My ATV Blog

ATV Owners Seem Pathetic About Keeping Riding Areas Open

I recently read an interesting poll in ATV Rider Magazine (Online Version).

In Order to ensure that your public areas stay open for years to come, which of the following do you do?

41.5%   Donate to organizations that fight to keep the public lands open, (AMA, BlueRibbon Coalition, American Sand Association).

36.6      Help with trail maintenance

19.5%   Do nothing because they don’t know where to go or how to help.

2.4%      Do nothing because other people are already doing it.

My experience is that every year more and more areas are closed to ATV’s and UTV’s.

Don’t Believe me…

Just last spring SUWA upped the anti, and now is claiming that NO amount of OHV use is sustainable

SUWA Files Petition to Protect Greater Canyonlands

… the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance has made a formal request to the Secretary of the Interior under the Administrative Procedure Act and the U.S. Constitution — requesting that Secretary Salazar bar off-road vehicle (“ORV”) use on 1,050 miles of ORV route in sensitive habitat, in streams, wetlands, riparian areas, archaeological sites and other vulnerable areas until it can conduct further studies on the impacts of the activity and determine whether it is, in fact, a sustainable use. 

In Utah we have groups helping to keep lands open.


Utah Shared Access Alliance ( USA-ALL ) was founded in 1999 to push back against the forces of radical environmental and anti-access groups trying to remove motorized and mechanized recreation from public lands in Utah. Our enemies are well-funded and highly motivated, but we have the facts, the truth, and the people on our side. All we need are the resources required to continue the fight against public land closures.

With over 10,000 members, USA-ALL is the largest group working exclusively on public land access issues in Utah. We’ve won numerous cases from local jurisdictions all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. We’ve also prevented closures by working with local governments and land managers.


The Utah 4 Wheel Drive Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting access to public lands through education and stewardship.

We enjoy and respect our rights to access public lands and encourage all land users to become educated and involved in land use, conservation, educations and maintenance of the unrivaled scenic beauty and historic trails and roads available in Utah.

If you enjoy off-pavement travel and adventure in a 4 wheel drive vehicle we in vite you to join.