My ATV Blog

The Government Thinks It Can Design Recreation Off-Highway Vehicles

Once again our government is sticking its nose into the business of private companies and private business.  The Consumer Product Safety Commission is trying to develop federally-mandated rules for Recreation Off-Highway Vehicles. It can’t control business enough so we need more laws and regulations as to what we can buy and use. I think this needs to end. Government is sufficating business at an alarming rate. This is just one more example.

Luckily there is a solution.

Through Americans for Responsible Recreation Access you can tell Congress to go screw themselves.

In October 2009, the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) to develop federally-mandated rules for Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles (ROVS) or as they are often called, side-by-sides.  The proposed mandatory standards would require fundamental changes to ROVs, putting Washington, DC regulators at CPSC in charge of future ROV designsregardless of what you and other consumers want and need for the vehicles.

CPSC is pursuing these federal mandatory standards despite the fact that the industry trade association, the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association, has nearly completed an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) process to develop an American National Standard (ANS) for ROVs.  Components of the standard include protective gear requirements, a certified roll-over protective structure, a minimum of three point seatbelts for each seating position, and multiple lateral stability criteria.

The ANS is being developed through an established standards development process governed by ANSI.  Under the ANSI procedures, a variety of interests including CPSC and other government representatives, industry, consumers and others reach a consensus on an appropriate ANSI standard for ROV equipment, configuration and performance requirements.  Much effort has been expended working with CPSC and others to develop this standard.  Now is not the time to abort the process in favor of government-mandated standards that would fundamentally alter ROVs as we know them.

Please click the link below to provide comments encouraging CPSC to work with ROHVA to complete the voluntary standard and to promote the ROV Safety Rules.

Take Action Today – Contact CPSC!

Coming Soon Killer Whale Trainer Legislation to prevent the senseless deaths of Whale Trainers.